There Is More At Stake Than Just The Presidency As the Biden/Harris ticket has solidified themselves, our votes mean more than just who will take the oval office.
Our Teachers and Students Need Us Now More Than Ever As the school year is set to resume, we should be doing everything in our power to create the safest place possible for our students and teachers.
Don't Blame the Poor During the Time of COVID-19 As provisions of the CARES Act that kept people affected by COVID-19 and families afloat are set to expire, the anger towards those who reaped those benefits are misplaced.
The Illusion of the Celebrity Savior As Kanye West declares yet another bid for the presidency, it's important to ask more from your candidates
Say Her Name As we remember the memories of black men, it's equally important to honor black women lost such as Breonna Taylor.
#BlackoutTuesday Is Over. The Work Needs To Continue. Now that #BlackoutTuesday is finished, the work needed to dismantle racism has only begun.